"Just as drinking pervades our culture, it diffused into my personality. I grew into my abuse, like the occasional tree you can find on a nature walk, its roots spilling over both sides of a boulder like outspread fingers, in spite of the rock's lack of soil, moisture, and stability. To see it only at the height of its maturity is to wonder: Why build on that?" ~ Koren Zailckas, Smashed

This blog is one of my many recovery efforts to uproot my damaged foundation and cultivate the right conditions for blossoming.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

chocolate and chick-flicks

Hubby on martial arts biz trip in south america, little one at grandma's for the weekend, and omg i am in our lovely home ALONE! 

I've spent oodles of time alone.  I have travelled alone, lived in many apartments alone, and mistakenly thought this all meant I was good at being alone.  Oh, sure ~ I was the model of independence. Sitting solo in my various urban kitchenettes with a bottle of wine (okay, two) and  journels that never actually got filled with insightful and hilarious words of the next great american novel (surprise, surprise).  I can't believe I always thought I was so content - blissed out, even - in my solitary life while drinking myself into oblivion.  I never had enough un-buzzed time to recognize the perpetual anxiety, doubt, avoidance, and damage that I was pushing down with each sip.

So here I sit, just barely four years sober, and what a different experience.  I can let myself miss my boys and be okay with the feeling of lonliness.  Then I can curl up on the couch with some chocolate (come on, I can't give up everything), watch "The Devil Wears Prada" (yes, I can now admit this without shame!), and feel genuinely happy.  No over-the-moon-wine-fueled euphoria, no raging dispair ~ just normal, balanced happiness.  Who knew how nice an ordinary night at home alone could be?

A sober evening to all... xoxo, lulu